Saturday, January 30, 2010
"bob, bob, bob"
I know.
We've been busy-really. Lots of little projects around here. Spring cleaning, etc.
It feels so good to get organized!
I just wanted to let you know what we've been listening to lately. Nicholas learned to make a new noise.
And he makes a lot of it.
I love how he seems almost embarrassed, but he can't stop doing it.
And you gotta love this kid's eyebrow expression!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
chip off the old block
These guys have so much fun together.
Nicholas is all smiles as soon as he hears the garage door opening at the end of the day and Dad is home from work.
Moms just aren't as fun as Dads. And that's the truth of it.
Last night Nicholas was helping Dad install a new computer program.
I love them. A whole lot.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
advice to bring peace
A friend of mine posted this on facebook.
In a BYU Devotional, given on May 14 1996, Elder F. Enzio Busche of the Quorum of the Seventy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave advice to those listening on how to become a disciple of Christ. The speech was entitled "Unleashing the Dormant Spirit" and can be found at
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
a slice of nirvana

Having a baby means adding at least 45 minutes to your getting ready routine.
45 minutes or more.
And the difficult part is, you never know when 45 minutes might turn into 55, or 65.
But we made it to Church, and since our ward is full of young families, getting there in time to have soft seats for the 9 am Sacrament meeting is less a matter of getting there early than it is simply getting there before everyone else does.
We slid into our bench, arranged the diaper bag and other belongings, took off our jackets, and settled in with Nicholas, prepared with a handful of "silent toys," burp cloths, and his binky. We snuggled in close and played with our baby for a few minutes before the meeting started.
After the meetings were over, Kent went over to the bishopric's offices to get some paperwork and our bishop stopped him.
He told Kent that he watched our family come into Church that morning.
He said that we looked like "a happy little piece of heaven," and, crossing religious terminology he added, a "slice of nirvana."
Monday, January 11, 2010
an island

Saturday, January 9, 2010
without enough words

He loves to eat. Sweet potatoes, avacadoes, and peaches.
He's not sleeping through the night anymore. That lasted a whopping three nights. We wake up at around 11, 2, and 5, and then he's up for the day sometime between 7 and 8. But how could I say no to his happy smile when he sees me coming to feed him?
He smiles at anyone and everyone. He has the most awesome full body-wiggling, eye-twinkling smile, too. I've never gotten so much positive attention from strangers before.
Just a few days ago he discovered that he has a voice. And now he is constantly talking. To me, to his dresser, to his toys, to his hands. He moves his tongue around like he's trying to get words out. It's adorable.
He is close to sitting up on his own. Sort of. Maybe it's just his belly fat that props him up.
When we bathe him he splashes as if his little life depended on him getting all the water out of the tub. He stares straight ahead and kicks his legs up and down. (And with legs that big, he's able to displace quite a lot of water!)
If we stand him up, he puts on his "curious eyes" and looks all around.
He no longer lays flat. His legs are always in the air, and usually he has his left toes in his hand.
He has rolled from front to back a total of five times so far.
I don't put him on his stomach very often. I mean, he's too little to be crawling...

Saturday, January 2, 2010
the anniversary curse
He had the flu.
So it wasn't much of a fun anniversary for either of us. We decided to make up for it by going on a little trip to Austin this weekend.
Unfortunately, our anniversary trips seem to have a sort of curse. A traveling curse.
When we went to Paris for our honeymoon, our luggage was lost for almost the whole week we were there. It was such an adventure to navigate a foreign country as newlyweds to find things like hair gel and socks.
When we went on our anniversary trip last year, I locked the keys in the land cruiser that we were borrowing from my uncle-luckily the back window had been broken by someone else a few days earlier and all I had to do was tear through the plastic and crawl inside, but it was pouring rain and we were at the airport and it was a bit of a challenge. Very funny, yes. I chuckle every time I see the picture of the mud-smeared plastic window we repaired with duct tape. I can't help but remember squirming through that little slit while Kent stood in the pouring rain keeping watch for any airport security guards or police. (It wasn't our car, after all, and we would have had a hard time explaining that one.)
But we wanted to do something even more exciting for our anniversary this time.
This year, we tossed an 8-foot piece of plywood onto the freeway.
Let me back up a little and give you the recipe for our most exciting anniversary trip. In case you ever want to recreate it yourself.
The Andersen's Famous Anniversary Delight
Begin with
1 uneventful drive to Austin
1 awesome hotel room
1 happy baby boy
1 1/2 hours spent picking out all the specifications for a perfect kitchen island
2 IKEA workers to help us stuff all the boxes into our little car
1 particular box that was too big to fit in the car
a couple handfuls of twine and a few knots to secure that box to the top of the car
2 IBC drinks (root beer and creme soda)
1 television with cable
1 very relaxing night in the hotel
Then add:
1 last morning trip to IKEA
15 minutes of driving before stopping for lunch
75 mph
5 strands of broken twine
1 very large piece of plywood no longer on top of our car
In a separate mixing bowl, combine:
3 calls to the police department
1 police car coming to stop traffic so we could drag the piece out of the left lane
1 grouchy police officer who offers no help but stands with his arms folded while you struggle with said plywood
Zero pieces of usable twine and a section of kitchen island that was simply too large to fit into our car
Oh, and 1 screaming baby. Screaming.
To solve, mix 1 very resourceful husband, 1 blessed pacifier, a slow drive off the freeway, 20 minutes in the McDonald's parking lot, 4 phone calls to parents, and a nearby Home Depot.
Continue on with lots of praying, slow driving, stopping every five miles, and adding approximately 4 hours to the drive, or until the edges are golden brown.
Serve and enjoy in 2 years, when it becomes really funny.
Surprisingly, only the corner of the board was really damaged, and as it was two feet too long for our island, we're thinking we can just trim that part off. Or so we hope.
And while we were sitting in the emergency lane with a crying baby in the backseat waiting for the police car, I was really glad that I was sitting next to my best friend, because I knew that we would be able to laugh about all of this when it was all over and we were home.
I was wrong.
We started laughing about it when we were still 25 miles away from home.
And that is why I love my husband. Life with Kent is never sad for very long.
Happy Anniversary, Kent!
Here's to staying at home next year!