Saturday, January 9, 2010

without enough words

to say how much I am in love with this guy. Seriously.
The past few weeks Nicholas has become so much more "him" and I love every single thing about him.
He's almost five months old, he's so deliciously fat, and he has a smile that lights up the room.
Let me tell you all about him now.
Because I am his mother. And I get to.

He loves to eat. Sweet potatoes, avacadoes, and peaches.

He's not sleeping through the night anymore. That lasted a whopping three nights. We wake up at around 11, 2, and 5, and then he's up for the day sometime between 7 and 8. But how could I say no to his happy smile when he sees me coming to feed him?

He smiles at anyone and everyone. He has the most awesome full body-wiggling, eye-twinkling smile, too. I've never gotten so much positive attention from strangers before.

Just a few days ago he discovered that he has a voice. And now he is constantly talking. To me, to his dresser, to his toys, to his hands. He moves his tongue around like he's trying to get words out. It's adorable.

He is close to sitting up on his own. Sort of. Maybe it's just his belly fat that props him up.

When we bathe him he splashes as if his little life depended on him getting all the water out of the tub. He stares straight ahead and kicks his legs up and down. (And with legs that big, he's able to displace quite a lot of water!)

If we stand him up, he puts on his "curious eyes" and looks all around.

He no longer lays flat. His legs are always in the air, and usually he has his left toes in his hand.

He has rolled from front to back a total of five times so far.

On his stomach, he puts his head down against the ground, curls his legs up under himself, grips the carpet with his fingers, and tries to propel himself forward. He wants to crawl.
I don't put him on his stomach very often. I mean, he's too little to be crawling...

He's sporting the "bald spot" style right now, and some of his dark newborn hair is still hanging on in the very back.My favorite thing is when he does his "I'm going to eat you!" face. With his mouth wide open, he stares at whatever he wants to chew on, and then nosedives for it.

He laughs, especially at Kent.

I don't know what I did before this little guy.
He is perfection, and hanging out with him every day is absolutely delightful.


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