Parents always say "it goes so fast."
But there isn't any better way to say it.
It goes so fast.
And now our little baby boy is six months old. I remember thinking, those early days, sometimes when we were having a rough moment, I would think, "If I can just make it to six months..."
We did make it. And life with our little Nicholas is now funner than ever! We smile more.
We laugh a lot more. We have a really silly little boy.

Nicholas laughs a lot more now. Every single thing Kent does is hilarious to Nicholas. He especially likes it when Daddy dances or sings.
Nicholas can roll from back to front, but not the other way. And he does not like being on his stomach. I spend most of my day simply rolling him back over.
He sits! And he loves it!

He has two bottom teeth and the top two are looking very swollen and ready to come through. But he's a pretty tough little guy.

In the mornings when Nicholas wakes up we can hear him in his room "Dadadadada!"
And I tell Kent, "Honey, he wants you."
And I get to sleep a little longer.

This is what I see when I come to get him from his naps during the day. He'll play in there happily for quite a while usually, which is great for me if I need to finish whatever I was doing before he woke up.
He loves to explore, and he grabs anything he can reach.
He likes to blow raspberries, and he knows it's funny so he spits even more when we're watching.

He weighs 19.9 lbs and is 27" long. We love every bit of him!