I started a new project early last month. I was inspired by a lot of others and decided to take one picture every morning this year and put them in a book.
Here's a little taste of what our January was like:

Jan 9-We recieved a load of topsoil for my planter box in the backyard. Kent spent the morning hauling it to the backyard using a rented dolly and a green recycling bucket.

Jan 23-Nicholas and I went on a walk almost every day this week-the weather was so nice!
I wore shorts.
In January.
Yes, Texas isn't so bad after all.

Jan 27-Sewing placemats for my mom.

Jan 25-Kent (finally) recieves his new laptop! I can't even tell you how anxious he was for this day to arrive.

Jan 18-Just me and my buddy

Jan 16-The weekend of the "small project blitz." The little to-do's had piled up, and I couldn't take it anymore. We accomplished a whole lot that Saturday.

Jan 15- We cuddle in bed every morning after Kent leaves for work.

Jan 12-Rain. And a very tiny corner of my beautiful planter box.

Jan 11-Sometimes Nicholas needs a bath in the mornings. Sometimes I'm too tired during the night to change his wet diaper. Sometimes it leaks through. Sometimes Nicholas bathes in the mornings just because we want to, though.
Sorry they're not in order. Maybe next month.
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