- learned to wave hello and goodbye-he waved to Kent the very first day we were here while we were sitting in our tent.
- learned how to "roll it" in paddy cake
- enjoyed his first time in a swing
- grown two molars (that fever he had while camping...yeah, teething)
- learned to say "uh oh" whenever he drops something
- given me a kiss for the first time
- decided there are way too many other exciting things to do than spend his time eating
- become adept at communicating by nodding or shaking his head ("no, I don't want any of that food, thankyouverymuch")
- learned how to tell you what the tiger, snake, and goat say (although he's best at tiger, and he says "rawr" to all of them until you correct him)
- sent his first text message. No joke. It said "On my way 7" thanks to my quick text option and his fondness for the number keys. He sent it to my mom. Maybe he's spent too much time playing with my cell phone?
- suddenly figured out how to do all the actions to 5 little monkeys swinging in the trees as well as paddy cake
- mastered the courtesy laugh. heh heh heh.
- learned a new way of dancing-waving his arms back and forth like Frankenstein
- spent increasing amounts of time standing on his own
- and finally, today, he took four wobbling little steps in a row
It's so exciting to see him growing like this. He never changes this quickly when we are at home and it's just me and him all day long. My little brothers and my sister spend so much time with him, and he picks up fast!
Yes, it's exciting. Although it's a terrifying kind of excitement. Today he's waving with his floppy chubby hand and flashing his tiny-toothed grin, and tomorrow I'll wake up and he'll be waving goodbye at the MTC on his way to serve a mission.
What can I do to slow down this precious, precious time?