Sunday, July 11, 2010

I took a little break

and I haven't taken any pictures with my real camera for an entire week.
For me, that is a long time.
I generally take at least 10 pictures of my little guy every day.

Some days I even take 100 pictures or more of Nicholas.

And that is the truth.

BUT, something about this week just made me, I don't know, maybe tired of my camera? tired of taking pictures?
Perhaps it's just my rebellious streak shining through and I decided that
this week I would not take a single picture
and I stuck to my guns (as I always do when that rebellious streak surfaces. Just ask my dad. Or Kent.).

So, this is a post of pixelated, underexposed camera phone pictures.

The title of this picture was: "Meet Mr. Whiney Pants." It was a teething, clinging, finger-chewing, mommy-biting kind of day. I sent this picture to Kent so he could see what he was missing out on while he was "at work" (he went bowling with all the interns).

I sent this picture to both my mom and Cindy to show them what the Comal river looks like just after we finish going down it on a Saturday afternoon.
This is exactly why we always get there before 9 am. We get to float it way before it gets this crowded. With that many people on the river, it just doesn't even look fun!
Kent's friend Steve (from high school and a former roommate) moved to Austin to go to school and so he came to visit us. And as you all know by now, when someone comes to visit during the summer, we take them toobing the Comal.

Allison texted me this picture to document our first ever mariachi experience.
Nicholas was a bit frightened. They were loud, but very good.

I am sending this picture to my mom so she can send it to Josh for his 20th birthday while out on his mission in Michigan.
Nicholas is holding the straw that came from one of our $4 snow cones. It's a cup of ice, people.
But yes, we were desperate.
It's hot here.

But if you come visit,
we'll take you down the comal to cool off.


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