Monday, October 18, 2010

grandpa and the digital clock

Grandpa's Den
If I ever came home from school and my mom wasn't home, instead of using the secret key to get into my house, I would just walk next door to Grandma and Grandpa's house instead.

When we were very little, before we moved to Logan,
I remember how we would talk--"wouldn't it be so great if we lived next door to Grandma and Grandpa?"  
And then, we did.

One of those afternoons, I was sitting on the big gray couch, my backpack at my feet, watching Grandpa set up a new digital clock he'd bought.

You see, my grandma and grandpa had five clocks in their kitchen...and not a single one displayed the correct time.

And no two clocks were set at the same incorrect time, either.

I guess my grandpa was hoping that maybe just one more clock would do the trick.
My grandma and grandpa were missionaries at Martin's Cove, WY.  He made these mini handcarts when they got home.
He took that clock out of the packaging, installed the new batteries, and then went about trying to set the time.
I wasn't paying close attention, but he fiddled with that thing for quite a while, getting more and more frustrated. At one point he even threatened to just take the clock back to the store to get his money back.
Then, he started chuckling and laughing.  He had this silly sheepish grin as he revealed that he'd figured out the problem.
The clock had a screen-protector sticker on it.

He peeled off the sticker and the clock worked just fine.

Although I don't know how long they managed to keep it set at the correct time.
Grandpa's Truck


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