Monday, April 11, 2011

how I spend my time

Nicholas loves eggs.  Not necessarily eating them, although he will occasionally eat a scrambled egg.
What Nicholas loves about eggs is opening them.  When I pulled out the Easter decorations last week Nicholas was in little boy egg heaven.

I have spent the past week closing eggs.  Over and over and over again.  He likes to open them, but he doesn't know how to close them again.  He can open the same eggs over and over again for 45 minutes straight. 
In fact, as I type, I'm having to pause every 30 seconds to re-close the eggs for my little buddy.

Oh, scratch that. Now he's stacking the eggs on my laptop keyboard. Have you ever typed with 15 Easter eggs on your fingers?  
I'm adding it to my list of awesome/odd experiences that motherhood has given me.

I'm not sure when we're going to let him in on the secret that Easter eggs are actually meant to hold candy and other surprises.  
For now, he's happy just opening the empty eggs.  
Over and over again. 

I contemplated hiring someone to sit here and close eggs for him.
But I think only a mother (or grandmother, maybe) can think this is still adorable after three hours a day of it.
Because, believe it or not, 
I do think it's adorable.  And how hard is it for me to simply sit and put eggs back together?
I love Spring- It has always been my favorite season.
Our Springtime is over, though. The wildflowers are dying, the garden is wilting, and it's in the 90's.  
But we're escaping in a few weeks--spending a weekend in these luxury cabins here on the guadalupe river with the Foulks,
then heading to California for a most excellent vacation--Kent's brother coming home from his mission, family trip to a beach house, then a me and Kent only getaway to LA for a few days,
and then, a week later Nicholas and I are going to Utah for a little trip.  Early summer in Utah--heaven.

I'm so excited.  So for now, I sit here, putting eggs back together for my sweet boy and daydreaming of vacations to come.


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