Thursday, November 17, 2011

her name

For history's sake, I need to tell you the story of how we picked Ellie's name.

The day I found out I was pregnant, Kent and I went on a date-we went to our favorite Italian place and then we went to Borders and bought The Baby Name Wizard.  

We established "the list" early on....
and it stayed that way.  Just a list 
of names that we loved. Equally.  
Meaning, we couldn't pick a favorite.


With the stress of us deciding to move and my due date getting closer and closer, 
the fact that we didn't have a name picked was driving me crazy.

One night, somewhere around 35 weeks, 
Kent and I were in bed, with the lights off.
To Kent, once the lights are off, it's time to sleep. And that's it.

But me, crazy stressed hormonal wife, I talked and talked and talked and poured out all my stresses to my poor half-awake Kent.
The list ended with
"And we don't even have a name for the baby yet!"

Kent rolled to face me, opened his eyes, and said,
"How about Ellie?"

I told him I really really liked it.

"Good," he said,
"me too.  Now go to sleep."

And that was that. 


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