Wednesday, February 29, 2012

house-selling leap day

  • We sold our house.  It's done and final and we are so happy.
  • My Ellie-girl turned 4 months old
  • Nicholas was happy and helpful and adorable.  That's three happy days out of the last four days.  Maybe we're coming out of the post-moving-post-baby-sister craziness?  Oh how I hope!
  • Kent sent me tulips today for Happy House-selling Day.  I love tulips.
  • I kept the computer off all day and it felt great.  We baked snickerdoodle cookies, I cleaned the whole house, a friend came to visit, and I even got a little bit of crafting done in between a few rotations of diapers and feedings and napping.  I liked it so much that I want to make this a more regular thing-going computer-less while the kids are up.
  • To celebrate closing on our house, we wanted to go to Sub-Zero Ice Cream. We braved the blizzard outside, and kept a 2-year-old awake in the car by telling him about the chocolate ice cream he was going to get. But it was closed so we tried out a Japanese Sweets place.  Tempura ice cream and mochi balls.  Nicholas was happy with his little cup of M&M's and his tiny scoop of chocolate ice cream.
It was a good good day.
Now I'm off to bed.
Hopefully some of today's goodness will carry over to tomorrow morning. DMV trip scheduled first thing in the morning.  I need to get my Utah driver's license... DMV with two little kids? Gonna be great.


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