Thursday, October 11, 2012

piano room update

We've been giving Nicholas a late afternoon nap lately. 
Our evenings have been so much happier. 
He's dancing bouncing put-things-on-his-head-and-laugh-wildly silly until much past his usual bedtime,
but we'd rather have silly than screaming before bed.

a few days ago Nicholas was napping and Ellie and I were playing in the front room.
I have the longest list ever of things I want to get for this room:
-big cozy snuggling/reading/napping chair
-round, white, tufted ottoman
-cute little round side table
-and new carpet (I found/stepped on my eighth sewing needle in the carpet tonight-left overs from the previous owners--not happy about that. Why is new carpet so expensive??)

just to name a few...

And because I just can't get all of those (or any of them...) right away, I needed something to pick up this space a bit.

Thanks in a big part to inspiration from Kent's mom Teresa, I decided to use what I have and make something new.

My Great-Grandma Hortin was a very talented musician, and I inherited a lot of her piano and organ music books.
I found one that had piano preludes in it, all of them only one page long, so the music wouldn't be ruined by tearing out the pages.
I had the frames already--they were piled on the ledge in my stairway with France pictures in them.

All I needed was to put the pages in the frames, do a bit of measuring and marking, then hang them up.  

They're not exactly precisely straight,
but I don't really mind.
That's just how I do things here.  If you can't tell from across the room then it's good enough for me!

So in only about ten minutes, I had something meaningful, beautiful, and free!  

And a few pictures of my crazy-haired, drooly-faced, darling little helper.  (who is going to be one years old at the end of the month. Ack!!)


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