Monday, November 26, 2012

proof that my daughter is a faster learner than I am

Last week I started learning to use my camera in full manual mode.
Reading blogs, researching terms, playing with settings over and over and over.  

Ellie started learning to walk.

By the next day, Ellie was walking 100% of the time,
standing from the middle of the room, stopping, turning, and pivoting on one foot.

My manual focusing skills have a long way to go still, and most of my pictures turn out underexposed.  

So here are some not-so-perfect pictures of my clever little toddler.

 She loves walking--gets so excited about it even now that it's been over a week.

 I was in complete denial about it the first morning.
I kept telling myself,
"yes she's walking this time, but she won't do it again." 
"She won't do it again."
But she just kept walking.
By afternoon I decided I'd better accept the fact that my baby girl has left babyhood.

Walking has also made her extra cuddly, though, and she walks straight to me for a big snuggle over and over throughout the day,
and I will gladly accept the squishy hugs and cuddles.


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