Snow. So much snow. And I still think it is gorgeous.
Nicholas came down with croup two weeks ago, probably got it from Church, since we don't go ANYWHERE else lately. So we've been homebodies, just the three of us here at home all day long, every day.
We've had a few moments (or maybe more than a few) of cabin fever craziness,
but overall it's been kinda fun to hunker down and just be home.
Ellie is still really into Peek-a-boo. Now she covers her eyes with her hands, palms out, and pulls them away and shouts "ahh!"
Kent and I graduated to a king size bed. It was time. The kids like to snuggle in the mornings. And our giant room was kind of swallowing the little queen bed. The new one came on Saturday, and for a while we had the queen mattress on the floor, the box springs, the queen bed frame, and our king bed, all set up individually in our bedroom and there was still room to walk around.
Our room is huge I tell you. Almost too big for me to know what to do with it.
Anyway, while we had the multiple levels of mattresses I decided to try and do a little valentine's photo shoot.
I got this gem:
"Valentine, I pick you!"
Just can't resist...
Our Walmart has beautiful flowers for $4 a bunch. We are definitely liking the little bit of color to brighten up the January gray.
And that's my new painting on the wall...hung with masking tape.
I need to get in and have it custom framed.
Kent's parents are here for a couple of nights. The kids are loving having them here, and they had a major game/book/cuddle/chocolate/dancing/singing fest together this morning.
And a picture of me, courtesy of Nicholas. We went up to Logan last weekend and I got my hair cut. I loved growing it out, but it was time to go back to short.
Thank you, January. See you next year.