Wednesday, January 9, 2013


My little boy started Sunbeams class at Church on Sunday.  
In our Church, children go to nursery class from 18 months old until the January after they have turned 3.  
Nursery is mostly just playing, snacktime, a little bit of singing, and a very short simple lesson (teeny tiny attention spans).  
Sunbeams is the first class in Primary, where the children have a real Sunday School lesson and a singing time.  

Nicholas always had a hard time in Nursery--he often would just stand in the corner all by himself and watch.  
He didn't participate much, and we often had to sit in there with him so he wouldn't cry. 
It would take him months to get "used" to his Nursery class, and with all the moves we've done this last year, every time he'd finally get to where he was talking and playing in Nursery just a week or two before we'd have to move again.

We were pretty anxious about him going to Sunbeams,
considering he literally just got comfortable in his Nursery class in this ward
only three weeks ago.
But he did great in Sunbeams!  
I think he likes the structure, the schedule, the control. Nursery is often chaos, and Nicholas wasn't able to feel comfortable there. 
I feel pretty confident that my boy is going to thrive in Primary, and that makes my mama heart happy.

Going to Sunbeams is a big step. More for me than him, probably.
It was a big day--my little boy really is growing up.


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