Wednesday, July 24, 2013

the shower

 My mom and sister, Sarah, and I threw Josh's fiance, Alicia, a bridal shower.
And gosh was it fun!
We made a great team-it was so neat to see our vision come together! The more I do, the more I realize I really enjoy throwing parties-I like to do something that other people can enjoy with me.
 We had a make-your-own fruit pizza bar.  My aunt Karen and my cousins made the cookies and gosh were they delicious!
That awesome milkglass cake stand we borrowed from my aunt Gae--she won it at Lagoon when she was little. It's gorgeous!
We got the flowers from around my parents' house.  I was so happy with how cute they turned out.
Josh and Alicia have an incredible photographer--we framed some of their engagement pictures to use as decorations and to give them to help decorate their sweet little apartment home when they are married.
We had the guests write (free or cheap) date night ideas on these craft sticks-then we put them in that little bucket and gave them to Alicia.  There were some pretty creative ideas--going to have to try some myself!
 The gifts.  Weddings always make me wish I could do showers like this for my anniversaries.  Wouldn't it be awesome to get all brand new stuff again?
 We gave Alicia this picture of the Draper Temple--where she and Josh will be married for all eternity on August 20th-less than a month away!
We sure love Alicia--I don't think there's a more perfect person for Josh anywhere out there.
Sarah, my mom, Me and Ellie (who was D.O.N.E. with being at a bridal shower by this point), Alicia, her mom Larita, and her sister Jessica.   

Thanks to everyone who helped out with the shower and everyone who came-we had a wonderful time!


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