Thursday, October 17, 2013

a roadtrip in numbers

1906:  miles traveled
29: hours in the car 
328: number of times Nicholas sang the "mean old witch with the pointy hat" song
25: average number of times Ellie asked for "DOODLES!" (noodles) or "YICE!" (rice) each time we ate out
16: laps the kids and I ran/marched around the diner in Winnemuca while we waited for our dinner.  Little legs get incredibly restless after 8 hours in the car.
20: number of "silly face" pictures I took of the kids at one point in the drive.
1: perfect day at the beach with Grammer and the cousins

2: nearly black eyes. Ellie's nose connected with the windowsill at Shannon's house. (The kids were playing and doing that laugh, you know, the laugh they all do right before someone gets hurt.) It was a serious swollen bump that night, then it slowly faded to a greenish bruise with an unmistakable purple hue in the corners of her eyes. Poor girl.

4: number of Kent's siblings we were able to see this trip.  That's all of them!
3.5: minutes it took before Nicholas was perfectly comfortable with his cousins again. They played and played and played.

1: beautiful baptism we were able to attend. Our niece, Anna, was baptized.

 2: naps Ellie fell asleep with a book in hand while we were driving.

 10: times Nicholas and Ellie fought the whole week.  This is a HUGE improvement over the normal.  Does anyone else feel like their kids actually try to fight?  Aiy!
 6: times Ellie was able to sneak away with my purse and empty it before I realized.
 4: mornings I was able to wake up feeling peaceful and refreshed as I always do when we stay with Kent's parents

1: all-important visit to the taco truck. The one that Kent has actually woken up craving in the middle of the night.

 4: visits to the Andersen Nut Company to see hardworking (and VERY busy) Papa.  It's nut season, and they work 16+ hour days this time of year.

5: delightful days spent with Grammer and Papa.
5: weeks before we get to go back again for Thanksgiving!
12: number of new DVD's we'll be purchasing before that next trip......


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