Tuesday, December 3, 2013

days to play

 The first three days at Kent's parents' place were quiet, not-going-anywhere, let's-just-play kind of days. The weather was perfect, and we spent lots of time outside.
Oh gosh it is gorgeous there.  

 Looking for bugs, they said.
The first weekend we were able to spend some time with Heidi and Sam and their kids.  Nicholas and Ellie loved playing with the cousins. 
We even got to go to Church with them on Sunday. Nicholas went to primary with Preston and Carlee, and the rest of us made up a little (silent) cheering section in the back of the primary room. Then we went to their house for a fantastic Sunday dinner.  I'm so glad we got to see them.

Tired of Mom asking him to look at the camera.
 This little sneak had been getting in the pantry all day long, every day.  She spent way too much time being "too quiet" at Grammer's house.
She has suddenly become a crazy one, talking up a storm and getting in to everything.  She's all fingers, people.  Anywhere she shouldn't be? That's where she is. All thirteen waking hours. 

And of course she throws some incredible tantrums (think 45 minutes of screaming) when you remove her from whatever she's destroying.  
My mom said I should just think of her as "focused."
Yeah, she's just focused.

Said he was "hunting for bees."
Good thing she's beautiful.  And loving. And sweet. And just so stinking cute.
And focused.


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