Thursday, January 9, 2014


Ten happy things from the beginning of January 2014:

  1. Our ceilings are just about painted (about 90% done now!)
  2. The Christmas fish are still alive, thanks to a new fish tank for them. Today their names are Loose and Clamfish Gold.  
  3. New fish tanks are shipped with mountains of packing peanuts. Indoor snow angels did happen.
  4. As I type, we're receiving a fresh blanket of new (real) snow; perfect packing/snowman making snow. Tomorrow? Snow-play day.
  5. Kent built me a new shelf unit for my food-storage room on Saturday.  No more cans stacked dumped on the floor!
  6. Josh and Alicia have agreed to let us hire them to help me paint the walls.  My new carpet is so close I can almost smell it already.
  7. Our brand-new air popper and our new griddler/panini press have seen LOTS of use so far. 
  8. Ellie is thinking she doesn't need to nap every day anymore, so now I have a chance to run errands and do my shopping with only one monkey in tow while Nicholas is at preschool.  Shopping with a chatty (this girl can talk your ear off!) two-year-old is no simple task, but it's WAY easier than shopping with two kids who tend to disagree about who is "helping" me the best.
  9. Looking forward to starting the first of the Year of Dates gift I gave Kent (a package of preplanned monthly dates for the whole year.) January is the anniversary of our first date. We're going to attempt to reenact it. (minus all that first-date awkwardness)
  10. I've read four books since Christmas.  The kindle Kent gave me was a complete surprise and by far my favorite gift.  Now I just need to figure out how to read while organizing/updating/taking advantage of the beginning-of-the-year-motivation burst.
Happy January!


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