We're at the end now. Kent tried on his cap and gown in preparation for Thursday and Friday.
This morning I finished my very last homework assignment ever. (Finals week is actually this week, but all my teachers decided to be "nice" and make everything due last week. Which just made last week as crazy as finals week usually would be.)
But it's nice to be done.
I even finished my final cake project. (Sorry the picture is small. I post a bigger one on Wednesday, I promise).
I traveled to the National Undergraduate Literature Conference last week and gave a reading of one of my short stories.
The experience was eye-opening.
BYU-Idaho is a wonderful school. I'm glad I came here. For one thing, if I hadn't I wouldn't have met and fallen in love with the crazy boy who is at this very moment singing about eating potatoes while he sends me instant messages from across the table.
Yes, I'm so glad I came here. I love this school and I've even learned to love the frozen tundra of Rexburg.
BYU-Idaho is a very sheltered place. Our "bubble" is thick.
I'm going to miss it,
but there's so much coming.
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