Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've done it. I told myself not to; I tried my very best to stay aloof and objective, but it didn't help.
The pictures were so appealing. The description melted my heart.
Yes, it's true. I've developed an online relationship. Shocking, I know.
I've fallen in love with a house.

It's for sale in San Antonio. It's exactly the size we want. It's in our price range. It's only six houses down from Dallin and Cindy. It's perfect. It's beautiful.
And we can't put an offer in until later this summer. I'm praying that it will still be available. I'm sure that if this house is where we are supposed to end up, it will work out. That's just how Heavenly Father works. If it isn't still for sale--it wasn't meant to be.
But did I mention I'm praying for it?

I actually had a dream about unpacking in that house. I know where I want everything to go in that cute little kitchen.

We are arriving in San Antonio on Monday. I think that this house is the first place I want to go. And I just might set up a tent on the front lawn--live there for the next two months to scare away any other buyers. Faith is nothing without works, right?


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