I think one of the best things about this parenthood stuff is watching your baby's personality start to come through. Nicholas is so funny-the expressions on his face are just too much. He makes us wonder how much he understands of what we say and do.
It seems sometimes he's looking up at us going, "seriously? You two have got to be the craziest people around. And I'm stuck with you?"
Even at 2 in the morning when the crying from the crib pulls me out of my bed, I go into his room and the instant I see that little face, all scrunched up and red and hungry, I'm amazed at how cute this child is.
It can't be legal to be that cute, really.
You can see how well that worked.
I guess we're doing a decent job parenting-it takes a pretty content little guy to fall asleep in the bathtub. He was actually snoring, too. He sleeps as though there isn't a care in the world.
What a life!
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