This is the story of a little boy's first Halloween party ever.
Here is the dad taping up black tissue paper in the trunk. He spent almost three hours setting it all up.

Here is the dog that does not belong to this family, but stayed around all morning pretending to belong.

The mom thought that it was actually pretty cute as far as dogs are concerned, until the dad informed her that the dog was eating grass because it was sick and needed to throw up.
Then the mom remembered that she does not like dogs. At all.

This is the family as the party began. A dragon, the princess he captured, and the knight in shining dollar-store armor who came to rescue her.

The dragon was ferocious, and spent the evening doing scary things like smiling and cooing and licking his costume.

Here is his lair. Which won the best trunk award, by the way. The dad was very proud of all his hard work. The mom thought it was pretty fun, too. And yes, that is a fog machine. This dad went all out!

The dragon tried his hardest to scare off all the little trick or treaters. He wanted to keep all the candy for himself.

But when his dad told him that eating candy requires teeth, he decided to share after all.
And everyone had a good time.

The end.
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