Thursday, March 25, 2010

bliss on a blanket revisited

Almost exactly a year ago,
I wrote about "Bliss on a Blanket."
I was taking advantage of the tiny space in time
after Idaho warmed up a little
but before my expanding belly got too big to comfortably lay on.

Today that Reason my stomach grew and grew and grew last year
and I
ventured outside into the sunshine.

Because although we don't have grass in the backyard yet,
no one is going to stop us from setting our blanket on the weeds.

And let me tell you.
It was a beautiful day.

Nicholas took his first "crawling step" forward-
got up on all fours and moved one knee forward before sliding back down to his stomach.
Who knew weeds and a garden hose would be so enticing?
I noticed this little guy sunbathing on the lawnmower handle.
We haven't seen him since November.
Do geckos hibernate? I did a report on them in fourth grade, but the only thing I can remember is
that they use their tongues to clean their eyes.
Weird fact. That's all I learned.

I bought these tiki torches for Kent for Christmas.
We lit them a few nights ago.
Our backyard was magical.

I'm thinking we should head outside more often.


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