Friday, March 5, 2010

laying tile

Otherwise known as "Our lives as Rednecks."
Welcome to our backyard. You're going to love what we've done with the place.
And we've rearranged a bit inside, too. Now we can get food whenever we're hungry...without having to walk all the way into the kitchen.

But don't worry, we're just following the neighborhood trend in home decorating.
Our next-door neighbors have the same idea, and they are refinishing their floors this week too!
There's a toilet on either side of our fence. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

And this is where we used to have a nice pedestal sink.
Unfortunately, here is that sink post-removal.
We bought a new one. It's sitting next to the fridge, in front of our tv cabinet and next to the dinner table.

, as of this morning, we are grouting the kitchen. I'm amazed at how fast Kent and his Dad have been working. We should have all the tile done by tomorrow afternoon.
Then we're going to replace the baseboards.
And possibly replace the carpet.
And paint the kitchen.
And add hardware to the cupboards.
And...well, you get the idea.
The fun just never ends here at the Andersen's!


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