Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas week

 It looks like we are going to have a White Christmas here, and I couldn't be happier!
We are having a wonderful time here so far.  Nicholas must be past the stranger anxiety stage, because he has been loving on my family ever since we got here.  
He loves to crawl up in his grandma's lap and give her hugs and kisses, and often, when he needs something, he takes it straight to Grandma instead of me.
It didn't take long for him to figure out that Grandma is more than willing to give him whatever it is he wants.

And of course he is having a blast with his uncles and aunt-following them around the house and laughing at everything they do.  They taught him how to say "ho, ho, ho!" when he sees the santa ornament on the tree, they've been dancing with him, teaching him how to play the Wii, and otherwise entertaining him every minute of the day.

Yesterday at Church, Nicholas saw Grandpa up on the stand (he's in the bishopric) and that was it-Nicholas just had to go up there, and he took off down the aisle.  When I snatched him up and took him back to our row, Nicholas spent the rest of the meeting waving at Grandpa, yelling "Hello!" across the chapel.

Yes, he is just smothered in love here.   
Dipping cinnamon santas in chocolate.
 Now that it is Christmas week I've decided to give myself a little eating-healthy-holiday.  And boy oh boy has it been delicious so far!
Nicholas is joining in on the fun...I'm pretty sure he's been surviving on only "crahkahs" (fruit loops, chips, cookies, chocolate as well as actual crackers) and my Mom's bottled pears.

Nicholas helped decorate gingerbread men last night...or rather, he ate the m&m's while we decorated.
Kent had another encounter with the Andersen Anniversary Traveling Curse while trying to get here on Saturday, (delayed flights, delayed again, another delay, plane having to circle for a while before landing, angry people at the car rental place, snowy roads, etc.) but he finally made it home safe and sound around 1 am Sunday morning, and we are so happy to have him here. Although we didn't get to see each other on our actual anniversary on Saturday, we are going to spend the night tonight at a cute themed bed and breakfast here in Logan...and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have any serious mishaps. 

We aren't transporting a kitchen island, so what could happen, right?


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