Wednesday, December 8, 2010

maybe we get a little carried away...

but Christmas is our favorite holiday
and when it comes to decorating for it, 
we do not lack in enthusiasm.

Kent wanted to decorate the first week of November.
I grew up in a "not until December!" family,
but we compromised and decorated the week before Thanksgiving.

Everything about Christmas is about a billion times more fun with Nicholas.  He loves our decorations, especially the tree.
Every morning when we come downstairs and plug in the lights, 
he responds with just as enthusiastic a "wow!" as he did the morning before.
He has figured out how to switch the power strip, and his favorite thing to do is sit behind the tree and
flip the switch. Lights on, lights off. lights on, lights off.  What fun!

Oh, and you probably noticed how only the top half of our tree is decorated.  
Even with that precaution, this morning I vacuumed up broken ornament number 7.
I can't blame Nicholas too much, though.  The ornaments do look exactly like balls.

I think that much of how a person feels about Christmas is directly related to what Christmas was like for them as a child. We are trying to make sure that Christmas for Nicholas is simply magical.
For me, Christmas was always excitement, sparkling lights, music, freshly-fallen snow, piles and piles of gifts from Santa, sleigh bells outside the windows on Christmas eve, and beloved traditions.


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