Sunday, February 6, 2011

bad luck with cookies

Do you like how I sneak in a picture of my darling pajama-wearing boy when the post is actually supposed to be about the cookies?
I've been making cookies since I was in middle school. And helping my mom make cookies since even before then.
I thought I was pretty good at it.
But the last five times I've made them, 
something has gone terribly awry.  

Sure, they taste okay,
but they're spongey, crumbly, fall-apart little round messes.
It happened to my gingersnaps, to my oatmeal scotchies, and to my chocolate chip cookies.

I would blame it on my oven, or my ingredients,
but then Kent finds a recipe online (which he never bookmarks or saves) and his cookies turn out perfect.
Every time.

What's the deal?

So, I need your help.
I need a good recipe for chocolate chip cookies-
the recipe you make over and over and over again.
The one that works for you.

First, though, I must tell you.
I like my chocolate chip cookies to be thick, substantial, chewy, soft.

Not like this:
Rather, like this:
So, if you have a recipe that you think I should try, either leave it in the comments, or you can send it to my email:
rebecca.w.andersen at

I will try every recipe that I am sent,
and the person who sends the recipe that I like best (or perhaps the one that I don't ruin somehow)
will be the winner of their very own copy of 

This book
(referenced in my last post-seriously one of my favorite books ever-inspiring, encouraging; every time I read it I find more reasons to love motherhood, even on the days where I feel like I'm "in the trenches.")
well...a little bonus surprise.

You have until Wednesday Tuesday at noon to get me your recipe.
I don't know how long it will take me to test the recipes, but I promise I will try every last one.  I'm really getting tired of these sponge cookies.
Here's to hoping my cookie-making skills can be rescued!

Post script:  Wow! I had no idea I would get so much feedback. I've gotten numerous emails, facebook messages, and comments.  It's great!  At this rate, though, I'm going to be making chocolate chip cookies until June.  Which isn't really a bad thing...  So, keep them coming until tomorrow, and then I'll start the baking!


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