Wednesday, February 23, 2011

five-hundred and fifty-seven days: my boy in numbers

Five-hundred and fifty-seven days ago, my son was born.
As of yesterday, he knows 97 words.
2 of those words are as of yet unidentified:  "Uh-my!" and "Ba-keg"
The 5 words he uses the most are:  more, up, all right, okay, and back--as in "put it back" or "go back over there."
He can label 6 of his body parts (7 if you count "diaper").
He sleeps 11 1/4 hours at night, from 8:00 pm to 7:15 am.
1 nap, between 1 and 3 hours long.
We read A Very Hungry Caterpillar 6 times every day.  
We sing The Wheels on the Bus 4 times each afternoon.
He watches 3-ish episodes of kids shows--Dora, Backyardigans, Shaun the Sheep, or Wonderpets.
His number 1 favorite movie is Cinderella (to Kent's chagrin).
He gives Mommy and Daddy 10+ kisses and hugs each day.

pointing to mommy's nose

Within 8 minutes of being at the store, he is out of the cart and "helping" me push it.
He has invented 1 secret family handshake--we have to stack our three middle fingers and touch them to his.
He has an infinite number of friends; he is a crowd favorite at the grocery store.
 6 words I think are the cutest:  banana "manna," "dizzy," oops "boots," drink "uck," outside "ous," and  "Toodles!"
He cries every single time we leave a restaurant.
His 3 favorite animals at the zoo:  komodo dragon, little monkeys, and the gazelle. (gazelle?!)
8 of his favorite foods:  pasta, smoothies, sweet potato fries, pears, chips--always dipped in something, yogurt, pancakes, grilled cheese sandwiches.
Five-hundred and fifty-seven days.  
All three of us can't wait to see what comes next.


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