Monday, May 23, 2011

a little something new

 Baby #2 is due November 5th!

I'm already 16 weeks now--we waited to tell our siblings in person in California a few weeks ago and now here in Utah.  News like this is just so much more fun to tell in person.

We really are very very happy-I can't wait to find out if Nicholas gets a brother or a sister, and then I'll get to start making things, buying things, picking a name, oh hooray!

I felt pretty yucky for a while at the beginning, and poor Nicholas spent a lot of days just watching Blue's Clues and Dora on Netflix (thank heavens for Netflix!) but now, other than the belly and the bizzare dreams, I pretty much feel back to normal.

It seems to be going so much faster this time. 
I have less time to think about it.  I'm less worried about things this time too. 
In fact, we keep saying that we're even more excited this time than we were for Nicholas.
We planned for Nicholas and we wanted him more than anything, but we were scared...there were a lot of things we didn't know.  I feel more confident in myself this time around, and that makes it more fun.

I started feeling baby kick this week--at the Josh Groban concert on Wednesday, actually. 
I'm not sure what that means about the baby's personality.  (A girl that loves Groban?  A boy that was disgusted?  A child of either gender that thinks they can sing better?)
But oh how I love feeling those soft little wiggles.

Somehow writing all of this is making it seem so much more real.  A baby! 


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