Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"sorse and totes!"

We're home from Utah.
It's so good to be back home with Kent.
I think he missed me this time,
even more than he usually does.
Today a boquet of "Welcome Home" flowers showed up at my door.  Ah. 

But we had the most wonderful time in Utah. 
I mean, it was in the 60's there.  Sunny (except the day it snowed) and beautiful.
When we got off the plane here in Texas I felt like I was melting.  Uck. 

Nicholas, especially, had fun in Utah.  He was a happier kid than he ever is at home.
Minimal tantrums, lots of smiles, very few tears.
It might have something to do with the fact that he had 5 people who
were more than willing to do anything and everything he wanted them to.
My child is more than a bit bossy.

If you want the truth, though,
I was the exact same way at his age (only baby in a big group of cousins). 
And I turned out okay, right?  I hope?
 One of Nicholas's favorite things about Utah? 
The miniature horse and two goats that live at my grandma's house (next-door to my parents').
Every morning, the second thing he did, after making sure he knew where Jonah and Nathan were,
was climb up on the couch beneath the window and look over to the pasture, saying
"Sorse!  Totes!" over and over again.

We took him over to feed them grass through the fence.
He must have been thinking about it really hard,
because he slowly brought the grass up to his own mouth and nearly tasted it before he realized what he was doing.
Ah, yes, I love this kid.


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