Saturday, September 3, 2011


Day 3 of Oh So Lovely's 30-day photo challenge.

I took this picture with Kent's phone on the way to get Jamba juice tonight--
Nicholas took a very late nap,
woke up at 6:30,
and he was grumpy.  An "ice cream" smoothie with "orange straw!" cheered him right up, and
in no time at all he was
dancing his little heart out at Jamba juice.

And lest you think that those clouds meant we got precipitation in any form,
here's what the sky looks like most of the day, every day:
I never thought in my whole life I would get tired of sunshine,
but at this point, I want rain so bad that I wake up, open the blinds, and think
"oh great, another day of blue skies."

I know there are places out there with too much rain...
can't we share a little so we can all be happy?


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