Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I'm sorry I haven't kept on top of the 30-day photo challenge.
We've been busy here,
life-changing decision-making kind of busy.

And what it comes down to is this:
Kent put in his two weeks notice at work yesterday.
We are moving to Utah.  At the first of December.

Things fell into place so quickly, suddenly, unexpectedly.  Kent has a job offer that we just can't refuse. He is so so excited about it, and I am so so proud of him for receiving it.
And the chance to live only 2 hours away from my family (and easy driving distance to Kent's)
well really, that's what we've dreamed about ever since Nicholas was born.

The timing has been hard for me to accept.  I'm nearly 35 weeks pregnant!  We're going to have a baby, then move!  This is insanity!
deep down inside, we feel certain that this is not insanity, but the hand of the Lord working to help direct our lives.

I've always thought that the idea of trusting in the Lord's timing meant waiting.
Waiting for things to work out, waiting for things to get better. Always waiting.
This is the first time I'm realizing that sometimes, the Lord's timing means doing something
right now
when maybe you don't think it's the best idea.
Or when maybe you really aren't ready to leave the friends you've made.
(when it truly comes down to it, we will be able to leave everything about Texas with just a "thanks for the memories"....except our friends.  This is bitter.  And I hate the thought of it.)

But there is also the sweet.  We are going to be so very close to our family.
And even though California and Kent's family will still be a twelve hour drive from us,
when we fly there from Texas, the entire traveling takes nine or more hours,
so just three more hours,
driving instead of flying with kids....
well that just sounds so much more doable! (not to mention cheaper!)

And I do have to say that I am simply giddy to think about having seasons again, Utah grass, growing a real garden, snow at Christmastime, and a summer where you can actually bear to go outside.

It's up and down-happy and sad, but we know that this is the right choice for our family,
and the timing, well, I'm learning to trust in that too.


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