Saturday, December 10, 2011


We haven't decorated for Christmas yet. 
I am oh so anxious to put up the tree, hang the holly, and deck the halls,
but our stuff (still) hasn't arrived from Texas.  They said it would be here between the 5th and the 7th, and we just got word that it's coming in on the 13th.  Boo.

So for now, we've strung a strand of lights on our patio railing, and we're doing all we can to get a sense of Christmastime elsewhere.

On Wednesday night we went to our ward Christmas party.  Dinner, primary kids acting out the nativity, and Santa visit. 
When Santa arrived, we were out in the foyer and the moment Nicholas heard the "ho ho ho!" and the sleighbells, his eyes got huge and he shouted "Santa!" and ran in to the gym to see him.
He did not want to sit on Santa's lap.  But he liked seeing him from a safe distance.

Thursday morning Nicholas told me over and over that he wanted to see Santa again. 
So I thought, why not?  I was feeling brave, so I packed up the two kids and we went to the University Mall. 
Where we saw Santa.  Five times.  Nicholas had me walk back over to the Santa's Village every couple of minutes so he could wave at Santa again.  It was great exercise for me, and I was so proud-both kids were great the whole time. 
I mean, an outing with a two-year-old and a five-week old and no tears?  Beyond successful. 

Then, last night, we picked up Kent from work and drove down the block to the Riverwoods shopping center. 
They have lights that rival Temple Square's.  Amazing.
As we tried to bundle the kids into the stroller, both of them were crying inconsolably.
We just about gave up and went home.
But a pacifier and a few "hug-a-mommy's" later and we were on our way.  The lights were beautiful, we saw Santa again, got pizza,
and Nicholas got his first lesson in Why We Wear Coats 101. 
Hopefully soon he'll get the idea and actually wear his coat.


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