Sunday, December 25, 2011

our Christmas blessing

 We chose to bless Ellie today.  Kent, as a holder of the Priesthood, was able to perform the blessing.  You can read more about this at this link.

It was a very special day for a baby blessing, 
and it was a very special, very sweet blessing.

Oh how grateful I am that Kent is able to do these things for our family.
I think that these are the times when I love him the very most.
And my Ellie looked pretty much adorable.

 The booties are the ones I wore when I was blessed as a baby, 
and the white blanket is the one that Kent came home from the hospital in as a baby.

 We were so glad to have both our dads and my brother join in the circle with Kent for the blessing.

Everyone came back to our little apartment after Church, and we had pulled pork sandwiches for lunch before my family headed back up home.

It was a very Merry Christmas, and we feel very blessed.


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