Wednesday, January 4, 2012

new years

Kent and Ellie.  11:15 pm on New Year's Eve.
We drove up to my parents' house for New Years weekend,
and crammed as much fun as possible into those four days.

A few of the things we did?

Kent and I got away to see Sherlock Holmes.  Loved it.

Nicholas learned to play Just Dance. Beyond hilarious.  "That was a good song!  I danced good!"

I learned that a marble track toy can entertain my boy for an hour and a half straight.  

Ellie slept from 11 to 6 every single night.  That's my girl!

We played laser tag.  So so fun.  And next time we go it will be even better because we think we've finally figured out the rules.

Kent discovered a new almost-as-good-as-Silva's taco truck.  He went three times.

We had a New Year's Eve party with my cousins in the afternoon on Saturday.  We had tons of snacks, played the name game and reverse charades, and Kent got to fulfill his need for giant, expensive fireworks.

I woke Kent up to kiss me at midnight on January 1st.  Then we went to bed.

I found hidden ping-pong talent with my dad's new set.

New Year's predictions
Apparently my brother Josh is going to find a sturdy Mexi-Russian who makes great tacos and whose name begins with either a C or a J.  He will beg her to date him.
They will wed on Thanksgiving, and the reception will include tacos and the mafia. 
At least, that's what Kent predicts.

We took my parents to Hamilton's--the same place we had our wedding luncheon at--to thank them for all their help with our move to Utah.

And now we're back to real life.  I've chosen a word for 2012 (more on that later), I'm working on my plans for the year, cleaning my house, and looking forward to seeing what this year brings to our family here in our new home.


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