Tuesday, March 27, 2012

decisions decisions

A piece of the lot and the view looking down the street.
We found a lot.
In fact, we put an offer on it yesterday.  It's in a beautiful neighborhood, with one of the highest rated schools in the state, and in an incredible ward (we visited it on Sunday).  
Where the house will stand and the view from the back.
 The view...phenomenal.  The entire valley to the west.  The lake. The temple
The view from the front of the future house.
PLUS, this lot happens to be about $40,000 cheaper than most of the lots we've looked at. Yay!

Basically, we love the lot.  Like a lot.

However, the builder went out to survey the land and they discovered that it's too narrow (it's a long, skinny strip of land) for the floorplan we've picked out and modified and fallen in love with.


Kent and I spent a good two hours last night looking at alternate floorplans.  We're going to have to put a two-story house on this lot instead of the rambler style that we prefer.
Is it worth it?
We certainly won't find another lot with this kind of view for this kind of price.
But what's more important to us, the lot or the floorplan?

And then I got thinking, will we be sorry that the backyard faces west? Will it be too hot in those summer evenings that we were so looking forward to spending outside?

But I love this lot.  Really really love it.


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