Thursday, June 7, 2012

we bought a house

Yesterday we bought a house.  
Today it was finalized.  It's ours!   

When we first started looking (waaay back in December), it was going to cost the same to build or to buy. So we thought,
of course let's build.
But as the months went on and the offers fell through again and again,
prices rose, and
it ended up being more expensive to build.  So we started from the beginning and
looked at existing homes.

 This house is in the same area as one of our favorite lots that we wanted, it has an excellent (rated 9 out of 10) school for the kids, and it's a gorgeous neighborhood with friendly people.

And the moment I saw the view this house has, I was sold.
And then I saw that it already has a gas range in the kitchen.  (If you've ever used one you know why that is so awesome.)
And so we went that afternoon and put in an offer.

And today, a month later,
the house is officially our own home, and we're going to move over there for good a week from Saturday.

Now, prepare yourself for the barrage of pictures.

Us yesterday after closing.  It was pretty cold yesterday, but today when we were up there it was beautiful.

The view.  Backyard, golf course, mountains.

I never could have guessed that we'd move to Utah and get a house with a smaller backyard than we had in Texas...but that's less yardwork, right?

Nicholas loves the "big house" and he wants to see his bedroom over and over again when we're there.

Kent showing off his future "movie room" in the basement. 

 The house has five bedrooms.  Three upstairs and two in the basement.  One of the basement rooms, though, is going to become Kent's movie room.

Ellie tests out the future playroom upstairs.

The master bedroom.  This picture does not convey how HUGE it is.  You could easily fit three queen size beds in there.

I have high hopes of someday making all those cupboards white. We'll see how soon that happens.

The wall of windows from my living and dining rooms.

We drove over tonight to take our first carload of boxes.  Nicholas fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep when we got there.
 I am not looking forward to moving again,
but it is upon us. Sigh.  Thank you Mom, Jonah, Sarah, and Nathan for your help today!

Our townhouse has been turned inside out and my living room is full of half-full boxes and I'm sitting on one of Nicholas's tiny chairs right now because that's all I could fit between the boxes and the computer desk...

By the end of next week, though, we'll be done and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one is going to last a long, long time.


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