Sunday, June 3, 2012

sunday sweets

Kent and I met at a thing called "sweet swap" in our student ward at BYU-Idaho.
Two apartments (one boys' one girls') were assigned to meet together Sunday night and discuss the Sunday School lesson.
And share treats.

As you can guess, it pretty much became all treat-sharing and not much lesson-discussing.

Kent's apartment came over to ours the second Sunday in January 2007.  I was wearing white pants with pink and green stripes on them.  Kent stood next to the fridge in our apartment and told us all that he could type 12 wpm with his tongue.

Talk about a first impression.

After they left, my roommates and I (naturally) discussed the guys.  We all thought Kent was cute, but none of us could remember his name. "Kyle?" "Trent?"  

Almost every Sunday there are two things that I can count on Kent doing:
1. Planning a dream vacation.  He researches VRBO, compiles pricing spreadsheets, finds the cheapest flights, everything.  We've got all the info for trips to Bora Bora, Cancun, St. John, Portugal, get the idea.  He's even been known to make power point presentations and inviting friends over to try and convince them to come with us.

2. Trying to make a dessert.  And finding out we are missing at least one ingredient.  And it's Sunday, so we can't go and get whatever it is he needs.  
In the end, he either compromises and makes something else, substitutes for the missing ingredient, invents his own recipe, or ends up drooling over recipe pictures online and making nothing at all.

Tonight we are having chocolate chip cookies, minus the chocolate chips.

Happy Sunday!


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