Tuesday, July 10, 2012


 We found out while we were on vacation that our friends Dallin and Cindy from Texas were going to be in California at the same time!
Dallin also went to Google I/O, and Cindy and the kids came along for a vacation.  

His parents live just over half an hour away from Kent's parents (although that drive time is calculated sans potty-training toddler potty stops.)  In fact, that's how we first met Dallin and Cindy.  We met Dallin's parents at a Church function when we were with Kent's parents way back before Kent's internship.  They told us we should look up Dallin and Cindy when we got to Texas.

And boy am I glad we did.  They have been the best kind of friends.  Always willing to help with anything, kids the same age as ours, and always willing to get together for ice cream and games on a Sunday night. 

So we invited them to come up to the house last Monday.  We figured it was probably the closest we were going to be to them...maybe ever.  

Asher, their baby, was born in December, so we got to meet him for the first time.  He's darling-such a sweet little guy!  He and Ellie would be good friends, I'm sure.
 And speaking of friends,
Nicholas totally remembered Jayden.
As soon as he saw Jayden standing in the doorway when they arrived, Nicholas shrieked "YES!!"
They played so well.  Making up crazy little songs, riding the tricycles, having so much fun.
We are very very glad we got to see them...made us all a bit sorry that we can't just get together all the time like we used to.  
Maybe next time we're in California together!


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