Thursday, July 12, 2012

fun at Grammer and Papa's

My daughter excels at peek-a-boo.  
It's one of the many tricks she showed off while we were at Grammer and Papa's house.  
Also, she growls.  A deep, throaty, unearthly growl.  Quite impressive for such a little person.  And not very girly.  But we'll keep her and her darling growl.

She was a champion traveler again, sleeping in the car, smiling at everyone, laughing at her cousins, eating every food I put in front of her (except oyster crackers--the only food she's disliked so far), and being all around adorable.

 Grammer pulled out some extra fun toys for Nicholas.  He played Candyland for the first time while we were there.  And the marshmallow shooter was a BIG hit.  He barely has enough breath to propel the marshmallow through the gun, and they simply plopped out into the bowl, 
but oh man did he love it!
 Nicholas spent lots of time outside, helping with the garden, riding the "motorcycle" tricycles, and playing with water.
This is his "I just got Mommy soaked" face.  Oh yeah.
 My girl and her legs.  She likes practicing walking.

She does not like getting splashed in the face.  She didn't spend any time in the pool, because she's only sort of okay with the cold water,
and as soon as a drop hits her face, she is D-O-N-E.  

Heidi and the kids came up to play a few days while we were there. Nicholas loved playing with Carlee and Preston, 
and as soon as they'd arrive he'd cheer "the cousins!" and run down to start playing.  They had all sorts of fun playing in the toyroom, making their own little parades, doing sparklers, going to the treehouse, and always being sure to avoid the "sakes" (a rattlesnake was sighted up by the big rocks and we must have made an impression with our warnings to avoid that area).

Good thing we have plans to see Grammer again soon--we miss everyone already!


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