Sunday, August 26, 2012

jesika's wedding

Jesika was one of my roommates from apartment 308-the best group of friends I've ever had.  She's more than a friend to me-a sister, a roommate, someone I'm always going to love.  
And she got married last Saturday.

So Kent and I left the kids with my parents, woke up early early, 
and drove to Rexburg.

It was the strangest feeling--we lived there for four years and haven't been back since we graduated, almost four years ago.  

And holy cow has that place changed!  So many new big and shiny apartment complexes. 

But there were still places we recognized...
like the parking spot across from my apartment complex where we had our first kiss,

the Smith building where both Kent and I spent most of our days in classes,
and the beautiful Rexburg temple.  

She is gorgeous. I just love weddings-such a happy day!

I was so so excited for this wedding.  Jesika was at my house back in January the day before she went on her first date with Blaine,
she came over many times while dating him and we girl-talked,
I was there when she realized she loved him;
it was fun to feel like a small part of this process.  

And of course it was pretty fun to feel young and carefree again-
thank you Mom and Dad for watching our kids!
The roommates--minus Kayla-we sure wished she could have been there too!

We got to attend the beautiful sealing in the Temple, 
then we went to the luncheon---
let me just say,
I have never before
had so much fun at a luncheon.

We sat together at a table, and one of Blaine's friends, from Boston-an employee of Mitt Romney's campaign, sat with us.   
Between my roommate Megan's awesome questions, and this guy's hilarious answers and stories,
we were laughing so hard we were crying.  
So fun.
After the luncheon, Kent and I walked around campus a bit.

BYU-Idaho has changed a ton since we were there--
in just four years there are some parts of campus that we didn't recognize at all!
The new student center was incredible,
and the Spirit there was so strong-

I found myself wishing I could still be there.  I miss that school.  I miss the classes an the teachers. Maybe not the homework part, but everything else.  

Rexburg isn't the most desirable place in the world (cold!) but it was a beautiful time in my life,
full of friends, fun, learning, and spiritual feasting.
I was so glad to have a reason to go back and visit.

We went to Rexburg's dollar theater to see the movie Brave
drove out to Jesika and Blaine's reception, 
and then drove the couple hours back to my parents' house,
watching the sun set in the smoke-filled sky.


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