Sunday, September 2, 2012

home tour: for now

Welcome to part one of the "for now" home tour.  

For now,
because we have a lot of stuff we still want to do on every single room of our house.

But if our last house was any indication, it is going to take us a very very long time to get those things done...
we're the type of people who start a project (like crown molding), get almost done,
look at the nail holes that need to be filled and corner that needs to be finished
for two long years,
and then take 20 minutes to finish it up the week before we move out of the house.
We're just awesome like that.

I'm going to show you what our house is like,
for now.
And I'll show off our updates as they come along, little by little.

Part 1
The Front room, Living room, and Stairway

 What you see when you first come in our front door.  
Things to be done:
-paint walls and ceiling
-add roman shades to big windows
-replace carpet
 The front room/piano room
Things to be done:
-Paint walls and ceiling
-Get cute little accent table and chairs
-Refinish wooden chair (I got it from my parents' storage-used to be a chair used by my Grandpa Murray's family when he was a child)
-Hang artwork/decorate walls --maybe a great big framed mirror leaning in the corner?
-Add colorful rug
Things to be done:
-Hang that picture!  


 Things to be done:
-Paint walls and ceiling
-Replace carpet
-Take all those picture frames and turn them into a gallery wall
-Add little nick knacks to the shelf

Things to be done
-paint walls and ceiling (noticing a trend?)
-Redecorate table, you know, every so often.  I like to change it up.

Living Room
 Things to be done:
-paint walls and ceiling--trying out a few colors in the corner-haven't found "the one" yet.
-Take down the banner I hung for Nicholas's birthday
-New sofa and loveseat to replace sectional
-Hang something awesome behind couch
-Make roman shades for windows

Things to be done:
-Print out two more canvas prints of meaningful places, hang one above and one below our temple print

Thanks for coming along for the tour!
Next up: the kitchen


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