Monday, March 11, 2013

me and them

Kent spent most of February working long days, late nights.  
It was just me and the kids, from wake up, breakfast, playtime, naptime, lunchtime, walktime, grocery shopping-time, storytime, dinnertime, to bathtime and bedtime.  Dinnertime was always the most crazy, with hungry crying kiddos clinging to my legs as I rushed around trying to fill their bottomless bellies.

I'm not going to say that it was easy, because it wasn't.  By the time I got the kids all ready for bed and Kent came home just in time to help me tuck them in, I was completely exhausted.  It was a satisfied kind of tired,though, the tired that comes from working hard all day long.  
One of those days, I walked past the couch as I picked up the toys for the eighty-sixth time and I stopped. "Oh yeah," I thought, "we have a couch!" I honestly couldn't remember the last time I'd had a chance to sit on it.  

The days were long and sometimes my temper was short, 
but we also had some fun too. 
Making up games with the balloons Kent sent for Valentines Day, eating our grilled cheese sandwiches together at dinner (I didn't have nearly enough motivation to make a real meal for just myself), building blanket tents, and playing
hide-and-seek twelve times every day

By the way, Ellie is a much better finder than Nicholas.  She found me first, every single time, while Nicholas would walk right past me.  

Kent's back to working normal hours again, and it was good for us.  The kids and I, we became even better buds.  

My next goal?  Finding ways to get closer to the husband I haven't seen much of lately. I think we're due for a date.  

And if you have a minute, check out this inspiring blog sent to me by Heather, a sweet reader, about how her beautiful daughter gave her the courage to fight cancer.


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