Tuesday, March 26, 2013

st patrick's party

 My dear friend Kamille suggested throwing a St. Patricks' Day party.  We had five families from our neighborhood come over.  We had nine adults, six children, and five babies.  It was crazy fun.

After discovering that we were all planning on bringing guacamole and chips as our green food, we decided to coordinate a little.  Chocolate covered mint oreos, green veggie tray (and green dip!), candied grapes, perfectly gooey green rice-krispy treats, and some of the best guacamole I've ever had!

Kamille made the yummy green punch.  I bought the stemware from IKEA-seriously an awesome place.  We labeled everyone's cups with washi tape nametags. 
And I felt pretty pinterest-ey.  

 The kids all had so much fun playing together,
Kent gave the men a tour of his finally-painted-for-the-third-time movie room (don't buy cheap paint, we've learned),
and the moms all just chatted. We were having so much fun that we didn't even get around to playing all the fun games Kamille organized.  

We'll just have to do another party so we can play those games!
We've been in Utah for sixteen months now.  And in our new home for eight.  
It takes a long time, but I'm oh so happy to feel like we have friends again.  
Thanks everyone for partying with us!


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