Saturday, June 1, 2013


This is a Wind Cave.  
On Monday me and my parents and brothers and sister, and Josh's girl Alicia hiked up to the Wind Caves in the canyon near my parents' house.
It's a fairly short hike, not too steep, the weather was just perfect,
and the views are amazing.

 When we got to the top of the hike, standing up on the roof of the cave,
this happened:

He picked the ring out himself, bought it in secret; Alicia was completely surprised by the entire thing.
My brother is an incredible guy, (he sings, he loves kids, he cooks like a professional chef, he's faithful and mature and brave and funny, he's kind and wise and wonderful) and Alicia is just perfect for him-we love her so much we were planning on adopting her if they didn't end up getting married.

That could have been awkward, so we're all quite pleased that they decided to stick together.

Up on that mountainside, we toasted with sparkling apple cider (that my dad had packed up in his backpack) in plastic wine glasses.
The hike back down was funny-we passed tons of people coming up the trail-Memorial Day crowds- and all of us were just bursting to blurt out
"They just got engaged!" to everyone we passed.

They're getting married in August, and we couldn't be more excited for them.
  Monday was a happy happy day.


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