Sunday, June 2, 2013

I love where I live

 When we got back from our Mexico vacation a few weeks ago, we came home to discover that our valley had exploded into summer.  

May and June are my favorite months in Utah.  Everything is vivid green and fresh.  The weather is perfect. There are so many things to do around here- festivals, markets, parks, hikes and outdoor activities, splash parks, snow cone shacks, waffle trucks, lakes and ponds and rivers-- I walk around my neighborhood in awe that yes, this is really truly where I live.

The street we live on. Quiet, clean, and mountains.

The first morning I was back home after our trip, I stepped out onto our back porch.  The air was crisp from the rain the day before, it smelled like wet grass and growing things, and a meadowlark, my very favorite bird, was singing.  Ahhh.  
Yes, I love where I live.


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