Thursday, September 19, 2013

state fair

The Utah State Fair was last week.  
My husband is kinda sorta really into "fair food," you know, deep-fried oreos and the like.
And I'm always up for doing something fun and out-of-the-ordinary with the kids.

So we went to the fair. And we met up with Josh and Alicia and Sarah there.

It had been pouring rain all morning, I was afraid we weren't going to be able to go, but the rain cleared up and the sun peeked through.
This rainbow arched all the way across the sky and was even a double rainbow for a while. (which I can't say without laughing anymore...double rainbow)
It was gorgeous though.
We told the kids we'd get them some ice cream. 
We meant they could have ice cream, you know, after they ate something substantial (which at a fair...isn't much....)
but of course what they heard was "ICE CREAM!"
So we gave them ice cream. For dinner.  

The rest of us ate alligator bites (not a fan), fried chicken, fries, and topped it off with 
cheesecake stuffed scones. ("Utah scones" are fried dough usually served with honey butter-nothing at all like real scones.)
Nicholas had a blast.  
He was in charge of the map (it's always his job) and he would point out where we were to go next and then instruct us all to "run super fast" to get there. 

We saw chickens and rabbits and a turkey and goats and cows and bubbles and giant pumpkins and bees and quilts and a lumberjack show and the most darling, intricate doll house (I'm a sucker for doll houses-with all the tiny life-like pieces and everything).

 The last thing we wanted to see was the butter sculpture they do every year.  
An entire scene molded and sculpted from butter.

We told Nicholas we were going to see a butter sculpture and he was excited
"Oh yes! Let's go see it!"
We found it, admired it, and then, as we were leaving, Nicholas asked,
"When are we going to find the butter scriptures?!"
I suppose butter scriptures would have been pretty amazing.

As we left for home, we found a clown making balloon animals.  Nicholas got an orange dinosaur and Ellie wanted a flower.
They fell asleep on the drive home and we scooped them up and put them to bed.  It was a perfect night at the State Fair.


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