But we're a little bit buried. (Can you find my husband in this picture?)
We're waiting for a storage unit because we have too much stuff for a one bedroom.

We're also waiting for a pest control person.
Because I don't like cockroaches. Or mice.

I do like the tree outside my window, though. We've never had a tree before. It makes me feel refreshed, which is really important here in the Texas heat.
We're making sure to find other ways to cool off--ice cream breaks work wonders.

But I'm wondering--do you have any suggestions for dealing with cockroaches? I think my 3 am potty break last night was the first time I've even seen a cockroach, and I have no idea what to do about it. I put all the dry food we bought in our microwave so the cockroaches can't get it, but it can't stay there. It's just not practical.
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