We have had the most wonderful vacation.
Nicholas has never had so much attention; he's loving it! When we get home on Tuesday, I'm going to have to find some siblings to rent for him.
And I feel like I've been so spoiled-I've hardly had to do any work this week; everyone wants to hold him, rock him, change his diaper, entertain him, etc. It has been so nice! If Kent didn't have to go back to work, I think I'd like to just stay here for a few more weeks. Or months.
But I must get back to my husband before he wastes away from eating like a bachelor. He told me that he made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and that's all he ate for breakfast and dinner almost the whole week. Yes, I've got to feed that boy some vegetables!
While we've been here Nicholas has had a lot of firsts:
First airplane flight (he was a perfect baby, and thanks to all the tips, everything went very smoothly)
First snow
First cold, poor baby
First taste of candy (what are grandparents for, right?)
First medical oddity (he's got a deep hemangioma- basically a cluster of blood vessels on his shoulder that are growing abnormally fast and will continue to get bigger and bigger until he's about one year old and then they will just dissolve. Weird.)
First time grabbing toys-I can't believe how fast he learned that one!
Oh, and he's now 15 lbs 10 oz. Whew!
Kent had his first Black Friday experience. It was pretty wimpy, though.
We went to a local print shop here called Inkleys.
We didn't have to wake up until 5 am.
We got there only half an hour early, and Kent was the first in line. No pushing, no running, no shouting. Piece of cake.
But what really makes me happy is that we bought this.
Shhh. Don't tell us. It's our Christmas present, and we're not supposed to know about it.

And what would a visit home be without a bath from Grandma Murray?
Kent left last night, and I'm going back home tomorrow evening. It's been a beautiful week,
My family set up the Christmas tree on Saturday night, and my mom made matching pajamas for all of us. We read "Mr. Willaby's Christmas Tree" and then everyone set up sleeping bags around the tree and we had a slumber party in the living room.

My grandma and grandpa Wood came all the way from St. George to see their newest great grandson. I'm so happy I got to see them while I was here. Grandpa Wood had Nicholas laughing out loud for the longest time-it was something about an "Orange Popsicle," I think.

I've been so glad to be here to visit with my grandma and grandpa Murray, and we've spent lots of time over there for cuddling and playing with Nicholas.
and I'm grateful.