Thursday, November 12, 2009

on a jet plane

Although I do happen to know when I'll be back again, (sorry-that song is in my head, and now it's in yours, right?) Nicholas and I are going on an adventure next week.

I'm flying. By myself. With a three-month old.

We're heading to Utah for two weeks. Kent is going to join us, but not until the day before Thanksgiving. And so, I'm about to take a flight with a baby for the first time ever, and I'm doing it by myself.

Yeah, I'm a little bit anxious. Airports make me stressed even without a baby. I'm just certain that Nicholas is going to have the biggest blowout of his tiny life ten minutes before boarding begins, or something like that.

Do you have any tips?
Any magic tricks for flying with a baby? Anything that I must be sure to pack in the diaper bag? Any hints for passing through security unscathed?
If you do, please share.
I'd really like to be able to simply "sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight."


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